In this game, all scouts start out as an egg and try to evolve into a Butterfly by winning games. Eggs crawl on their knees. Larva crouch...
In this game, all scouts start out as an egg and try to evolve into a Butterfly by winning games. Eggs crawl on their knees. Larva crouch...
Required: A deck of cards Instructions: Up to 4 patrols per deck of cards - use more decks if needed. Separate the cards into a suit per...
Required: Blindfolds Preparation: Mark a starting line and a finish line. Split into two teams. Instructions: One team is blindfolded -...
Equipment: None Players close their eyes and walk around very slowly. Whenever they bump into another player they whisper ‘Sorry‘ and...
Equipment: Beanbag/Ball Equipment: BeanbagEquipment: Beanbag The beanbag represents a ticking bomb. The players run around trying to...
Up Jenkins! Players: 10 or more Equipment: A long table (or tables put together), Chairs and a Coin As many players can take part in...